When it comes to '90s TV re-boots, we've been burned before. Rumors went around recently that Friends was coming back for a new season, but so far no dice — and that was heartbreaking. But now, word is out that the folks behind My So-Called Life will be getting together again for a feature in the "Cancelled Too Soon" (preach!) category at this year's ATX Television Festival. Cast members Wilson Cruz, Devon Odessa, Bess Armstrong, and Devon Gummersall are set to show, and creator Winnie Holzman will be there too. And maybe just maybe Claire Danes and Jared Leto can take some time away from Homeland and experimenting with drastic new eyebrow trends to attend — but, regardless, we're hoping against hope that with some core players back in one place, a creative brainstorm will ensue and lead to a glorious reunion.
Maybe they could pull a Lisa Kudrow and have Danes play the role of a grown-up Angela Chase who has gone slightly crazy, changed her name to Carrie Mathison, and become a CIA Agent? And then 30 Seconds To Mars can play at Abu Nazir's funeral? No? Just a thought.
Photo: Courtesy of ABC.