Confession: When it was first reported that The Great and Powerful Oz James Franco was moving to Silver Lake, we couldn't help but boast to our friends that the modern-day Renaissance man would be sharing a zip code with some of us R29 staffers. But much to our chagrin, just a few months after his relocation, we've learned that having Franco as a neighbor is nothing to brag about. It turns out that the Hidalgo Avenue resident is ruffling a few feathers, and it's not because he's stealing Wi-Fi or leaving his green, blue, and black bins all helter-skelter — the actor has apparently been running a full-on production company from his '20s compound.
In a letter sent to Curbed LA, Franco's block buddies have had their driveway blocked by large equipment trucks and been subject to unannounced meetings held on property.The anonymous writer admits that he, too, was initially stoked to have the Playboy columnist-poet-fashion photog as a neighbor, especially because of Franco's turn as Harvey Milk's lover, Scott Smith. But while his performance in Milk made folks swoon, his recent shenanigans have left a sour taste in their mouths.
We just wonder if the home's former owner, Mad Men costume designer Janie Bryant, received this many noise complaints (we would assume not). (Hollywood Reporter)

Photo: Via Hollywood Reporter