Lena Dunham is a great girl with a cute face, an awesome haircut, and most importantly, a lot of personality. Though she's definitely one of the pretty ones, she's made it so far on brains, not beauty, and that's one of the reasons we love her. So, why did Interview magazine decide to make her so unrecognizable on the cover of the latest issue?
Girl is on a major press binge right now, as the Girls season premiere is just around the corner. So far, we've been impressed to see her stepping out of her comfort zone a bit and embracing the public's ardent desire for more, more, more. To the glee of Hannah fans everywhere, Lena tweeted a pic of her Interview cover last night, and, to our surprise, she looks quite different — the combination of the high-contrast, black-and-white photo with, we presume, a good dose of Photoshop makes for a brand-new mug.
Are we crazy, or do you agree that this could almost be an entirely different person? Frankly, we like the old Lena just the way she is. (Grazia UK)
Image via Twitter.