In this day and age, gawking at the life and times of the 1% can be both entertaining and infuriating. However, when it comes to the antics of teenage heirs Harry and Peter Brant (their dad is publishing magnate Peter Brant Sr.), it's all laughs — at their expense, of course. After all, these are the brothers who joked about killing the President for making them poor.
Now, our celebrity fascination prayers have been answered: Enter Brant Watch, the bitingly satirical (read: hilarious, but totally fake) Tumblr chronicling the teens' social sightings. Outrageous photo after outrageous photo is accompanied by such captions as, "Harry wears a shrunken French military jacket from Calvin Klein's 'Toy Soldiers' line."
While scrolling through the site will give you a good chuckle, it will also elicit countless head scratches — after all, although the captions are made up, the boys actually live this life. Click through to gawk at high society in all its shame glory, and be thankful you're not spending your Friday wearing a Matador jacket while drinking with the founders of Italian porn. (Brant Watch)

Photo: Via Brant Watch