Celeb gossip rags tend to make entire mountain ranges out of a mole hill. So-and-so spotted out on the town once every 12 months? They must be engaged and expecting octuplets! But sometimes, we can't help but get carried along for the ride. Case in point: Mindy Kaling and Reese Witherspoon, out to lunch together in L.A.
Why didn't we think of this sooner? Reese was the pioneer of the girlie-girl who's actually smart and lovable, and Mindy is doing the same thing on The Office and her new show, The Mindy Project. They probably spent their lunch hour trading tips about how to say totally OTT things without alienating or annoying your audience. And also talked about how great it is to be the absolute best. Sounds like the kind of friendship we need to get in on! (Just Jared)
Photo: Via Just Jared.