Your Horoscope This Week: 11th to 17th February

Editor's note: This article has been updated to reflect the correct horoscopes for this week. 
The magic from last week’s epic Aquarius New Moon continues to reverberate throughout the cosmos this week, making it an ideal time to set your new moon intentions if you haven’t yet done so.
On the 13th, Mars, the Planet of Action, leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius for the next six weeks. Mars in Aquarius will help speed up technological, psychological, and political developments, and it could also help us find innovative solutions to societal challenges. 
On the 13th and 16th respectively, Venus and Mars join the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in the sign of Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius helps us collectively learn how to detach from the need to control our emotions, or our relationships. Just make sure that you don’t end up so detached that you lose your sense of connection or intimacy. 
Fortunately we’re just a few days away from the start of Pisces Season, which means more sensitive energy will soon arrive to balance out all the intellectual and airy vibes in the cosmos. In the meantime, trust that everything is operating in divine timing. 
Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Set your Aquarius new moon intentions this week, Aries, as we’ll continue to feel the potent energy of this lunation until February 19th. With your birthday season starting next month, this is an ideal time to fine-tune the people you have around you and what you want to experience from life in general. Your planetary ruler Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th, further stimulating your social sector. You’re likely to feel quite inspired by your social life these next few weeks, but you could also be overstimulated. 
Venus’ shift into Aquarius on the 13th is an opportunity for you to clear the air with past, current, or potential friends, particularly if you experienced misunderstandings during Venus’ transit through Capricorn. The more honest and transparent you are about your needs, the better you’ll feel, and the stronger your friendships will become. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, last week’s Aquarius New Moon opened up new professional avenues for you, and this week you’re being encouraged to take leaps of faith in the direction of your fresh start. You may be feeling a bit overstimulated by all the planets currently traveling through the sign of Aquarius, so take things step by step instead of overextending yourself or taking on too many responsibilities at work. Adopting a “less is more” mentality will pay off in the long-run. 
Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th, followed by your planetary ruler Venus entering Aquarius on the 16th. Your relationships may initially feel more awkward during these transits, as your Taurus nature squares off (creates astrological friction) with Aquarius energy. Your mission is to accept the fact that life, and love, gets weird sometimes. The more you try to control your relationships, the more out of your control they’ll feel. So whether you’re ready to or not, you’d do best to learn to go with the flow…

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, if you could have anything you wanted, what would you have? With the energy from the Aquarius New Moon still going strong, this is definitely the week to vividly fantasize about your dream reality, even if there are perceived obstacles in your way. Aquarius energy is revolutionary and unpredictable, so the more you allow yourself to dream beyond your previous limitations, the more your mind, and your life, expands, in correlation with your thought process. 
With Mars and Venus both entering Aquarius (on the 13th and 16th respectively), you do run the risk of over-thinking, or of being too impulsive in your actions, particularly romantically. As we welcome more airy energy into the cosmos, you’d benefit from staying grounded through meditation, mindful practices, or spending time with Earth sign companions. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

You’re feeling brand new this week, Cancer, as last week’s Aquarius New Moon helped shed light on the inner workings of your psyche, as well as the psyches of those around you. You have a more clear idea of who has your back, and who’s only stuck around you for clout. This week, continue to set the necessary energetic boundaries by saying “no” to what doesn’t feel fulfilling or reciprocal. This will make plenty of room for what does. 
With both Mars and Venus leaving your partnership sector and entering your intimacy sector in the sign of Aquarius (on the 13th and 16th respectively), you’ll notice a significant shift when it comes to how you relate to others on a social and financial level. You’ll want to merge and collaborate with people who are unafraid of thinking outside of the box, and you may be pleasantly surprised at your own willingness to stretch yourself outside of your own comfort zone and take intuitive risks that pay off.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, pay attention to your relationships this week. Make them more of a priority. With the energy from the Aquarius New Moon still coursing through the cosmos, you’ll notice yourself seeking unique, unconventional, and lively individuals to be around and inspired by. You’re tired of the same-old routine and want to feel intellectually and spiritually stimulated by your environment. This is an ideal week for saying yes to social invites, particularly if they help you discover people or perspectives that you aren’t used to. 
With Mars and Venus both leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius this week, you’ll find it hard to focus on anything other than social relations. But this doesn’t mean that love has to be your main focus — you’ll also be focused on cultivating the right professional and platonic bonds, without falling into codependent patterns. Your mission is to find a sense of balance amidst all these realms of your life, while making sure you’re prioritizing the most essential relationship of all, which is the one you have with yourself.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

You’re feeling more sensitive to your body this week, Virgo. The energy from the Aquarius New Moon continues to influence you, and since we’re in the final week of Aquarius Season you may want to get a health check-up or take part in stretching exercises to maintain physical and mental flexibility. Once Pisces Season begins next week, you’ll be more in la-la land, so use the pragmatic Aquarian energy to do what must be done. 
With Mars and Venus entering Aquarius this week, you may notice your mind racing more than usual, which could lead to insecurities popping up. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’d benefit from writing down what you envision as the best-case scenario for your life these next six months. You’ll be writing your dream life into existence while providing yourself with a game plan for manifesting it.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this week is about lightening up the mood around you, especially since the Aquarius New Moon’s energy is still inspiring you to be more creative, imaginative, playful, and open-minded. The challenge here is that you may be easily distracted during this time, so if you have any important projects due you’ll have to practice greater self-discipline to make sure you keep your eye on the prize. Your planetary ruler shifts out of Capricorn and enters Aquarius on the 16th, three days after Mars will have made the same shift. If you’ve been contemplating starting or launching a creative endeavor that makes your inner child feel alive, the combination of having Mars and Venus in Aquarius will help you be bolder and more decisive about that possibility.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Give yourself a breather this week, Scorpio. With the Aquarius energy in the cosmos activating your sector of home and roots, you’re in the mood to be a homebody and not have too many people in your orbit. This is an ideal time to clean your house, donate non-essentials, and simplify your lifestyle. You’d also benefit from taking a social media break or decreasing the amount of time you spend on your phone, as having so many planets in Aquarius could lead to mental restlessness. 
Your planetary ruler Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th, and Venus, the Planet of Love, follows suit on the 16th. This Mars-Venus in Aquarius combo will have you looking at your love life quite differently this Valentine’s Day week. You may realize you’ve overcome unhealthy patterns you once had, as well as self-sabotaging behavior. As you celebrate your evolution, focus on spending your time with yourself, and with people who feel like a safe home.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the more clear you’re able to get with yourself about what your values and needs are, the more easily you’ll flow through this week, which is dominated by Aquarius energy. Your sector of communication and creativity is activated right now, making you feel a strong urge to create and speak your truth — even more than usual. Find healthy outlets for such sensations, such as taking part in an open mic night or writing your crush a love letter. 
Once Mars and Venus both enter Aquarius and further stimulate that sector of your chart you may run the risk of experiencing burn-out from the non-stop mental and physical action you’ve been doing. Whenever you need to feel grounded, tap into Jupiter’s current transit through Taurus and remember that steadiness can be more sustainable than volatile growth.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, the universe is cutting you some slack this week, as more planets are moving out of your sign and into Aquarius. This allows you to take a break from being self-critical, and focus instead of celebrating your accomplishments, while manifesting more. You still have time to set your new moon intentions this week, particularly if you’ve been wanting to manifest ways to boost your finances or feel more confident in the money realm. 
Once Mars and Venus both leave your sign (on the 13th and 16th respectively), you’ll benefit from giving yourself a makeover (a physical one, mental one, or both), as no planets are currently retrograde, and Aquarius Season is encouraging you to be more daring and “out there.” You’ll be in the mood to feel loved on and valued, while also indulging in plenty of alone time whenever you want it. But remember Capricorn, in order to get what you want, you have to be willing to receive it when it arrives. Prepare yourself for its imminent arrival. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Just when you thought your birthday season couldn’t get more Aquarius-like, the planets had other plans. This week Mars and Venus both leave Capricorn and enter your sign (on the 13th and 16th respectively). Having this Mars-Venus combo on top of the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto all being in Aquarius, will make you feel like a galactic superhero. Take time to figure out what your mission is and why, as the energy from the Aquarius New Moon is helping you better discern your intentions. 
Spend this final week of your birthday season in celebration of yourself and of life. Mercury’s presence in Aquarius is helping you remain optimistic even in the face of terror, because you can tell that we’re just a few conscious decisions and collective strategies away from manifesting a world where we all feel free. Write down any prophetic insights you may have this week, Aquarius. The world needs your wisdom.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Now that the Aquarius New Moon has struck in your spirituality sector, you’re feeling reborn, Pisces. Ease your way into this week, and focus on tending to what your spirit needs, first and foremost. If it needs rest, then rest. If it needs sunshine, give it sunshine. If it seeks water, hydrate. If it needs play, go out and play. The cosmos is encouraging you to listen to yourself more and to not put other people’s needs ahead of your own. 
With Mars entering Aquarius on the 13th, followed by Venus doing the same on the 16th, you’ll be in a cocoon mood where you won’t want to be bothered by people who are wasting your time or taking advantage of your spiritual gifts. This is definitely the ideal week for setting boundaries within relationships that feel non-reciprocal or one sided. Your birthday season is coming up — it’s time to get clear about who’s in and who’s out.

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