Pisces Season Is Here & It’s Time To Follow Our Hearts

Photographed by Megan Madden.
Calling all dreamers! On February 18, Aquarius season will come to a close and the sun will move into the sign of the fish, marking the official start of Pisces season. Although we experience this astrological period once a year, the vibes can shift and flow depending on how the other planets in the sky are interacting with one another — and from now until the end of Pisces season on March 20, the vibes are immaculate.
Iva Naskova, astrologer at the Nebula app, says that Pisces season will have us feeling pulled to prioritize our mental health and focus on self-healing. "The dreamy fish is a water sign that thrives on emotions and feelings," she says. "Therefore we can expect to be more in touch with our emotional side and feel a wave of creative energy." The sun's movement into romantic Pisces always gives us the opportunity to take things slow and reflect on the past 365 days — as the last sign of the astrological year, introspection is the name of the game.
We are now being asked to put our dreams to the test, according to astrologer Stephanie Campos. "Honing our discipline and defining a long-term plan for what our heart truly seeks are productive uses of this transit," she says. Before we start anew next month with Aries season, take this time to gather your wants, needs, and plans of action — although Pisces season is a time to dream, it is also a time to ready yourself to turn those dreams into realities.
This year, Pisces season is bringing along sweeping change thanks to Saturn, the Planet of Restriction and Karma, also moving into the sign of the fish. The last time we saw Saturn in Pisces was between 1993 and 1996 — a lifetime ago, for some of us (at least, for me). "You can think back to these years of your life for personal clues of how this transit and story will continue to unfold in your life," says Campos. "Collectively, we'll be picking up unfinished storylines from this time period. While Pisces is often seen as a generous and free-flowing sign that knows no bounds, Saturn is often defined as the opposite, a planet that sets boundaries and limits."
Another major theme for the next month is going to be prioritizing deep, emotional healing, thanks to the effects of asteroid Chiron, also known as the Wounded Healer. "[It] will be greatly activated this month from its position in Aries, first by Venus on March 3, then by Jupiter on March 11," says Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. "Jupiter's job is to magnify everything that it touches, and so the need to heal our shadow will be key in order to flow with the currents of the universe."
We may be forced to come to terms with any baggage we have around individuality, relationships, and self-expression, according to Montúfar. "Luckily, with the sun being in Pisces, the most emotional of all water signs, we will feel inclined to open our hearts and talk about our hang-ups and deepest insecurities," she says. "By allowing ourselves to feel, we can rise above and process any negativity."
Mark your calendars for March 1, a date that Campos is calling extra magical. This is because Venus and Jupiter, the two luckiest planets in the sky, will meet in the sign of Aries. "Pisces' guiding planet is Jupiter, so during Pisces season, it's important to look to Jupiter to gain a deeper understanding and flavor of the energetic vibe of this season," she says. "As Venus and Jupiter meet in confident and passionate Aries, a dream is realized or we may finally feel ready to take the first step — leaving our comfort zone in the dust."
"Pisces season allows us to feel and surrender simultaneously," says Campos. "As the final zodiac sign, it emboldens us to continue to believe and hope, and encourages us that there is a purpose to our current season and life lessons." 'Tis the season to follow our hearts, Campos says — how hard can that be?

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