4 Minimalist Outfits That Will Make Winter Dressing Easier Than Ever

In theory, dressing for the winter months should be fun. Boots! Coats! Sweaters! All the best things in life! But alas, the outfits you plan in your head don’t quite translate to reality when it’s 10 degrees, snowing, and you’re standing on the corner waiting for your rideshare to arrive (been there). So, what’s the secret to maintaining a practical wintertime wardrobe that you’ll actually want to wear? It all comes down to minimalism. 
Yes, you read that right. While you might automatically think the more you add on the better (how are you going to stay warm if you don’t wear 50 layers at once?), we’re making the argument for less. Whether you're sticking with the same color theme or choosing just one standout piece, creating a streamlined look that's simple, pulled-together, and easy to iterate off of will save you over the course of months of freezing mornings.
Still not convinced? We’ve made minimalist dressing as seamless as possible with a roundup of understated looks featuring Cuddl Duds. Click through for the minimalist winter outfits you'll repeat all season long.

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