4 Health Reasons For Getting Gray Hairs In Your 20s

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Sure, a gray hair here and there is natural. But whether or not you're excited to look a little more like Storm, getting them earlier than the rest of your friends is definitely a bit confusing. So why do some people get to experience grays earlier than others? And why does our hair have to go gray at all?
First off, you have to understand that it's actually pigment that creates the color of our hair — not some integral element of the hair itself. And, as part of the normal aging process, your body's production of that pigment slows down. You'll notice more gray hair as the amount of pigment decreases and, when there's no pigment, hair will become white.
Most people notice their first gray hairs in their 30s and have a significant amount by their 50s. But it's not totally unusual for that process to start in your 20s with the odd gray hair or two. Whether or not you get those "premature" grays depends almost entirely on your genetics, but researchers are still figuring out exactly which genes are involved. And although the jury is still out as to whether or not stress causes grays, freaking out about those silver strands certainly doesn't help.
That said, there are a few health issues that can contribute to premature grays, though having gray hairs in your 20s doesn't automatically mean there's something wrong. Of course, gray hairs won't be your only symptoms, but knowing that they could be linked with something health-related may help you figure out why you're the only one in your family #blessed enough to be dealing with them at your age. Continue on to learn more about what could be causing your silver hairs.

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