As we all know, the Ralph Lauren family of brands tries to keep itself out ahead of luxury buying technology. The latest local iteration, an interactive touch-sensitive browsing and checkout screen just booted up for service outside of the New York Rugby flagship on 12th and University. Using your smart cameraphone or that iPhone you waited six hours to get, you can stroll up to the window display, pick your item from either the complete catalog or the edited "looks" section, choose your size and color, and, using their loadable purchasing software, take a photo of the newfangled UPC code on the screen, and the good people at Rugby will ship your threads straight to your home. Available to use day or night, it redefines "sidewalk sale."
Photography by Lianna Tarantin
The window display is now active at the Rugby Store, 99 West 12th Street, New York, 212-677-1895. To download the Rugby mobile software, go to m.rugby.com on your computer or camera-enabled mobile device. For more information go to www.ralphlauren.com.