Yes, Your Skin-Care Routine Should Change From Summer To Fall. Here’s How One Editor Does It.

In terms of clothes, the fall solstice typically means tucking away one's caftans and lugging out the down parka and vacuum-packed cashmere. But while many of us make this annual pilgrimage to the storage locker, fewer know that we should be applying the same transitional mindset to our skin-care routine.
That's why, as a fashion editor who has plenty of opinions on niacinamide and can tell you what "effleurage" means, I'm making a few conscientious adjustments this A/W 2020, with the following objectives: 1) hydrate, 2) maintain/improve texture, and 3) minimize the complexion freakout that can occur when the temperature drops 20 degrees in the span of a day.
Your personal goals may vary, but generally, when adapting your skin routine, you should think about weight and layering (kind of like knitwear), which is easy to do with Artistry Studio's new Zen + Energy collection, featuring multifunctional, simple formulas designed to target your specific skin-care needs.
My skin type tends to lean drier than my humor when I tone-match my English friends, so avoiding tightness calls for some crucial swaps. Out: lightweight moisturizer. In: Hydro-Prime, a heavier gel that can also be used to prep for makeup. I'm also switching to a cream cleanser before patting in a water-based essence, followed by a hyaluronic acid serum. Finally, I'm introducing a face oil to seal in all the layers. (Just give each product a few seconds to absorb to prevent pilling. Also kind of like knitwear!)
Even though I'm focusing on moisture, that's not to say exfoliation is off the table. Working on brightness doesn't depend on the tilt of the earth's axis, so I'm continuing my weekly sessions with Glow Boss, an exfoliator that sweeps away impurities with fine grains. And if my jawline feels congested due to being hidden under a mask, I'll apply some Rosé All Day toner, which contains 1% salicylic acid, to treat those areas.
Now onto the extras, aka the accessories in a routine that's shaping up to have more parts than a look by a designer with a post-apocalyptic-guerilla aesthetic. While clay keeps my complexion balanced in the heat, soon, I'll trade in the kaolin for rich cream textures and Everyday I'm Bubblin', a cleansing mask that flushes out pores with a fizzy effect that recalls a famous movie scene in which an imposter nanny dunks her face into a frosted cake to avoid detection. And on days where a rose quartz roller straight from the deep freeze isn't enough to de-puff my under-eyes for a camera-on Zoom, I'll stick on a pair of Eye Look Rested patches, which I also keep in the fridge.
In the end, seasonal beauty might require more tailoring, so to speak, than transitional dressing, but it's an investment worthy of your time and energy. Luckily, our skin typically does a good job of telling us what's wrong — so the key to treating her right is to just start listening.
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