If you're heading to a tailgate or football-game-watch today, think about what you're drinking (even if it doesn't involve alcohol). If you have a few sugar-loaded sodas, here's the exercise number you need to know about.
The path to a promotion just might include a stop at the grocery store. Look for these 11 “superfoods” that fill you up and help you flex your brainpower. Talk about snacking smarter. (Fast Company)
Foam rolling is the hurts-so-good technique pros use to reduce muscle tightness and speed up recovery. Before you get your roll on, though, check out these four new rules for a smarter self-massage. (Q by Equinox)
Have an interview or first date lined up this week? Don't freak. Instead, calm your nerves by simply re-framing your emotions. Try these tips to get the feels under control. (SHAPE)
Even if you follow the instructions on that box of birth control, you might want to check in with this series of graphs that highlights the effectiveness of 15 different methods for preventing pregnancy.