The One Wellness Habit I’ve ACTUALLY Maintained In Quarantine

Here is a list of things I’ve committed to unsuccessfully in quarantine: A breakup, Zoom pilates, dry December, dry January, paleo eating, The Sopranos, dry February, knitting, and exfoliating. 
On the one hand, the blank, near-endless stretch of time available to us right now should provide a ripe opportunity for cultivating new habits. But on the other hand, it might just be too much time. And with motivation at an all time low — like, subterranean low — the idea of sticking to a new wellness-forward routine can feel...futile, at best. That said, I have, in fact, adopted one beneficial habit over the last 12 (29? 556?) months: A vitamin regimen. 
I am well aware that the swallowing of daily supplements is not the most impressive implementation of willpower — but nevertheless, the minimal tweak to my morning routine has been fundamentally grounding, and, as far as I can tell, good for my health. At the start of this month, in the hopes of bolstering my immune system, upping my energy levels, and, well, boosting morale, I began to take a twice-daily chewable tablet from 8Greens. Each magic little disc includes actual greens: spinach, wheatgrass, kale, blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, and aloe vera — which is a great thing if you, like me, lack the time and the budget to prep an arsenal of leafy vegetables each night (or if you, unlike me, are a perfectly responsible consumer of vegetables and you still don't have the time to locate — or name — 8 different greens a day). Plus, each tablet is also packed with Vitamin C and Zinc (powerful antioxidants known to support immunity), along with Vitamins B5, B6, and B12 (which can help boost your energy levels).
As someone with a notorious sweet tooth — I have been known to consume rainbow sprinkles, neat — the additional greens are fairly essential — and the supplement’s candy-like blood orange flavor is a bonus. But on top of that, my willingness to stop what I’m doing and pop an 8Greens tablet twice a day has helped me remember to take my other supplements as well (Vitamin D for winter survival, Iron for anemia, probiotics for digestion, cranberry for UTI prevention). It's also helped me adopt other morning habits, like forgoing my typical 11am PB&J ritual for an early breakfast and a cup of coffee before I start my day. 
Sure, my general inability to successfully adopt new routines is likely a product of my commitment issues (I’m working on it, ok?), but it’s important to celebrate the little victories. So, in spite of the fact that I cannot maintain a one-step skincare routine for my life, I can say that my newfound vitamin regimen appears to be aiding in both keeping my face clear, and fighting off my regular roster of winter cold symptoms.
Of course, like with any other wellness-oriented product, you should do your own research and consult your doctor before committing to a new supplement. But then, once you've done your due diligence, you can take comfort in the fact that twice daily vitamin consumption is certainly a welcome excuse to pat yourself on the back for...doing anything at all. 

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