30-Minute Date Ideas — Because We're All Busy AF This Time Of Year
Last Updated December 1, 2017, 9:35 PM
Once Thanksgiving is over, it seems like everyone's schedules become one huge black hole. Between the holiday parties, the holiday travel, the holiday shopping, and the holiday hangovers, you may feel like you have zero free time to yourself. And when you have no free time to yourself, you know what you also have no time for? Dating. The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time of year — but they're also so busy that you can't get a damn text back.
But whether you believe it or not, you can squeeze micro dates into even the busiest of days. In fact, there are a handful of dates you can check off your calendar in 30 minutes or less. And while you definitely want to try to find time for long hangouts to really get to know a potential partner, sometimes a half-hour is just the thing.
Ahead, we've got a handful of date ideas you can pull off in less than an hour. No marathon dinners or hours-long cocktail happenings here. Get in, get out, and then get back to your holiday shopping.