Detox Your Purse With This 4-Step Guide

Forget January 1 — for us, this time of year has always been associated with reinvention, renewal, and refinement, even if we aren't going back to school. To help you jump-start the whole process, we're dedicating this week to getting your sh*t together, where you'll find little tricks, tips, and buys to get you and your space into a better place.
My name is Connie Wang, and I am a full-blown bag lady. I regularly carry two to three purses with me a day, stuffed to the brim with more stuff than a boy scout. Two half-eaten granola bars? Four pieces of reading materials? At least three brands of allergy medication? Got it all — but don't ask me to find anything, because I can't quite navigate all the mess. With my current daily carry weighing over 20 pounds, a purse purge was definitely in order, and I challenged myself to condense my belongings into the truly, utterly essential, and downsize from my carry-all tote to a sandwich-sized bag. My journey to minimalism, ahead.

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