When it comes to preparing for swimsuit season, there are few things that can set us off track. We've been religiously attending our morning SoulCycle classes and averting our eyes on Bagel Friday (no thanks to you, carbo-loading office mates!). But, one look at the menu for Pie Corps, a new bakery in Brooklyn, has us clamoring for a taste, bikini bodies be damned.
Originally a regular vendor at the New Amsterdam Market, Pie Corp set up permanent shop in Greenpoint to bring its mouth-watering menu to the masses. Using locally-sourced ingredients (the owners have a farm upstate), the shop churns out unique flavors like Honey Lavender Custard and Minty Lime, as well as tartlets and breakfast treats. Pie Corps also offers classes to dessert lovers, so you can spread the art of pie-making. Now, if you'll excuse us, we're off to dig into some apple cinnamon tarts.
Pie Corps, 77 Driggs Avenue (at Monitor Street); 917-721-3052.
Photo: Courtesy of Pie Corps/Jenna Saraco