We sure know the importance of first impressions, so, as we were ramping up to our big L.A. edition launch we wanted to make sure we threw a party that no one would forget. Thankfully, our West Coast friends came out in droves to devour delish Umami mini burgers, Milk cookies, Svedka Vodka concoctions, and icy-cold Stella Artois while mingling to a DJ set by KCRW's own Music Director (and legend!), Jason Bentley and jamming to a killer performance by our favorite local girl group, The Like. And all of this was just happening outside the main event: the East/West Tag Sale held at Urban Outfitters in Space 15 Twenty. The racks were packed with all of our favorite brands so that L.A.'s finest left with stylish swag and full tummies. But the entire evening wasn't just a pursuit of a hedonistic good time: We raised a boatload for Housing Works (the upscale thrift shops that provide housing and medical support to more than 20,000 homeless and low-income New Yorkers living with HIV and AIDS). As you'll see, the photos prove it: We came. You shopped. We conquered L.A.!