We know there are countless ways to devour an Oreo, from the classic twist-off method to wrapping them in bacon and deep frying them. But, one way we never thought we'd eat Oreos is in wedding-cake form. And, no, we're not talking about Oreo icing or chunks of Oreo baked into the cake. Popsugar managed to construct an actual wedding cake made entirely out of stacked Oreos. And, they made a video tutorial, so we can all make our very own Oreo wedding cakes.
While a trip down memory lane by way of hundreds of stacked Oreos might not necessarily align with our parents' idea of the perfect cake, we are all about creative cost-cutting wedding DIYs. Not to mention our endless love for the nostalgia-inducing treat. If you're skeptical about actually opting for this confection when it comes your nuptials (it is kind of precarious, seeing as there's nothing holding the Oreos together), we're pretty sure you've got a birthday coming up sooner or later.