Once a month, the moon refreshes and resets its energy and starts its cycle from the beginning and we experience a new moon. The lunation is a moment in which we can breathe fresh life into relationships, activities, projects and endeavors. We can check our sentiments and understand our visions deeper, leading us into the next few weeks on a high. The energetic shift is a fantastic opportunity to assess our dreams and set intentions. We can and will achieve anything under a new moon with the cosmos on our side.
When the sun and moon align by sign and degree in the sky, they kick off the month’s lunar cycle. New moons can allow us to start again with a clean slate. The new moon in Virgo, which occurs on September 2, is going to enable us to fine-tune our end-of-summer vibe and ensure that we improve our lives with TLC. Since Virgo is a perfectionist, we may be critical of ourselves. If we aren't careful, insecurities could heighten. Rather than being self-deprecating, we must see the good in ourselves and note these fantastic attributes. Giving ourselves the slack and positivity we instill in our nearest and dearest will be pivotal. The new beginning we are looking for is our relationship with ourselves.
The new moon in Virgo helps us purify our minds and hearts and leads us to find our most authentic selves. This could mean that we’re detoxing our lives of physical or emotional clutter, manifesting in letting go of toxic situations to bring in better and healthier dynamics. Since Mercury retroshade is in full gear until September 11, it’ll be hard to get things moving and we might doubt ourselves. Believing in ourselves and our goals isn't going to be easy. We are the ones who hold the key to ensuring that our dreams take flight. No matter how old you are, leading with the heart and not overthinking is imperative. That way, we’ll be ready to take on whatever comes our way.
The exciting news is that healing can occur if we open ourselves up to it. Even though Virgo is a mutable sign and wants change, we could be in a hurry and leave ourselves susceptible to impetuous emotional releases so take time to mend wounds and not rush through the process. Growing pains could occur as we transcend, so we must be accessible to ourselves. After all, we are doing our best, which deserves acknowledgment in itself.
Transformation is possible but we must get through the stages required to comprehend our emotions. Dispelling negative thoughts will be challenging but we can embrace positive sentiments once we augment our mindset and accept how magnificent we are as individuals. We must take our wonderful attributes and own them. Crafting a personal affirmation to state daily is going to be advantageous. Don’t shy away from owning your fabulousness. Be extra flattering about yourself. Remember, you’re all that and more.
Most importantly, we must have patience for ourselves as we embark on this journey. The Virgo new moon will bring all of the vibes to the forefront of our consciousness and that is a lot. Therefore, it’s vital to connect with nature and the physical realm to decompress. Grounding exercises like walking barefoot on grass can make us feel stronger and connected, steadily, to the earth. It’s also a good time for practicing breathing techniques to calm our nerves, opening the windows for fresh air, taking walks in nature, for reinvigorating baths or showers, meditating, or journaling your sentiments in the moment that they occur. Any option can be useful. Choose something that sounds and feels good to you.
As you can see, anything can happen under the Virgo new moon; all the more reason to let yourself go with the flow and see what unfolds. You'll surprise yourself by not holding back and letting your heart guide you. Be kind and compassionate with yourself and others to achieve your goals and to thrive during this lunation. If you can, say something nice to yourself, repeat it several times, give yourself a big hug.