It was only a question of time, right? After the extreme mind-bender that was
Black Swan, one gay guy questions our sanity by emblazoning his bicep with a big fat tattoo that's a dead ringer for those eery Natalie Portman/Black Swan movie posters. While we're not arguing over the size of those guns, we're not quite sure about his choice of venue to display his new ink—Grindr. If you're not familiar, it's a homosexual sex site available on iPhones where you can hook up with dudes based on their proximity to you. In this case, "Pablo Diablo," a New Yorker who's both nice and naughty, seems to be quite close to us. Just kidding, we don't have a Grindr profile, and if we did, we probably wouldn't want to meet up with Diablo—who knows how literal he might interpret the film's finale. (Omg Blog)