They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade—photographer Mari Sarai definitely takes this motto to heart in the latest issue of Muse magazine, as she and model Iekeliene Stange take a crumbling shoebox of an apartment and make it seem like a veritable broke-down boudoir of sorts. Of course, it helps that the slipshod furnishing and moldy walls pale in comparison to Stange's serene features and killer wardrobe. Rich greens, teals, and abstract animal prints mingle with pieces of chunky statement jewelry and lush headgear, all accentuated by a seriously smoky eye, deep red lips, and a seriously wild blonde mane. It's all strangely appealing, but we're thinking that splurging on all that fabulous swag might have been what sent Iekeliene to the poor house in the first place... (Fashion Gone Rogue)