5 Tiny Tweaks To Improve Your Sex Life Now

No, we unfortunately can't wave a magic wand and wish away sex woes when they rear their ugly heads (though some types of wands work better than others for this). We are, however, believers in the power of a quick and inexpensive sex-life tweak. The orgasm gap is real, sadly, with one five-year study of 24,000 students at 21 colleges indicating that while 80% of the men had orgasmed in their last hookup involving intercourse, only 40% of the women had. (It's worth noting that queer women enjoy significantly higher rates of orgasm than straight women, though still not as high as men.)
Fortunately, you can fight this disparity both by demanding your climax, Nicki Minaj-style, and arming yourself with a few simple techniques. Tantric sex workshops, sex therapy, setting aside an hour every night for an exploratory masturbation session— all of these are well and good (and if you need professional counseling, then get it!). Sometimes, though, what you need isn't a makeover but an adjustment. Ahead, we've gathered five tried-and-tested tips from our favorite sexperts and sex-havers to give your intimate activities an instant boost. From introducing unexpected flavors to the bedroom (literally) to instating a habit that isn't directly about sex at all, these tricks can push your sex from good to great.

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