What I Didn’t Want My Husband To Know Until We Were Married

Photo: Rob + Kristen Photography.
Before getting married in July, Steve and I had known (and dated) each other for almost seven years. At that point, it seemed like we knew as much about each other as we were ever going to.
We both have short tempers and have had some serious screaming matches over things that were, in retrospect, pretty small issues. And while it's nice to get dressed up and go on dates once in a while, we gave up, for the most part, on trying to impress each other a long time ago. (Let's just say, there are no pretenses about bodily functions when we're together.)
Still, there are things we've both learned about each other after the wedding. While we might know the ins and outs about, say, each other's favorite foods and TV shows, living in different states for three years did create distance in our relationship. Before moving in with Steve and our third roommate, I lived alone for two years. And while it will definitely be nice to have some company, there are also a lot of things I got used to doing that Steve didn't know about beforehand.
Ahead are five of the things I kept hidden, intentionally or not, until after we tied the knot.

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