Fancy some seriously festive film fun? Who are we kidding? In the official Christmas homestretch, we can just assume that your answer is a big fat HELL YES.
Well, Experience Cinema, masterminded by the people behind the awesome Rooftop Cinema Club, has got a sackful of Christmas flicks just for your viewing pleasure. But this time, the viewing isn't alfresco (thankfully). Instead, you can view a variety of classic films of a festive persuasion in some of East London's best venues.
Plus, you get mulled wine or hot cider upon arrival, get to snuggle into a comfy sofa, and can get involved with an epic medley of Christmas snacks including mince pies, candy canes, and chocolate logs.
In other words, this will take your viewing enjoyment to the next level.
And what about the films on offer? Expect a selection akin to a festive cheeseboard, ranging from It's A Wonderful Life (vintage cheddar) to Home Alone (Dairylea) to Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (that weird cheese with bits of fruitcake in it). Screenings will take place in the cosy confines of the Hackney Downs Studios or at Hackney's amazing Round Chapel.
Showings take place from December 11 to December 23, visit the Experience Cinema site for full listings and booking details.