Again, the Cut rounds up the November rags so you don't have to. (The Cut)
Supercute Mike Albo goes to Supercute Fred Flare. Supercute! (NYTimes)
Madge for Louis? Could be. (Style File)
Peep this pictorial about the style of the absolute greatest. Floats like a butterfly… (Cyana Trend Land)
A block on 8th Avenue is becoming a veritable Refinery faves emporium. (Racked)
H+M creates a purchase limit on Rei Kawakubo's collab line&mdsah;so all you kids hoping to sell 100 polka-dot blouses on eBay are S to the OL. (The Cut)
Obama gets booted—in a good way. (Jezebel)
Barbie moves into a very big house in Shanghai. (PSFK)