A Beauty Guide To Seeing A Pro Vs. DIY

We’re living in the golden age of DIY beauty. Thanks to an endless supply of how-to blogs and vlogs at our fingertips, it’s easy to find out how to do almost any beauty service from the comfort of our own bathrooms — though this doesn’t always mean we should.
Sometimes, it’s easy to know when you need to go see a professional, but other times, women make the mistake — either in an attempt to save money or an overdose of hubris — of handling it themselves. Most of the time, these little DIY attempts turn out fine, but when it goes wrong, it can lead to issues such as lasting skin damage, hair loss, and even (gasp) bodily injury. At the very least, you might end up with an unfortunate new look and have to live to tell (and show) the tale.
Along with good advice, there is a lot of misinformation floating around on the internet as well — and the average person may not be able to spot the difference when googling “how to treat cystic acne.” So how do you know when it’s okay to DIY and when you should go see a professional? It depends not only on the beauty treatment, but also on the person attempting it.
Ahead, we lay out 10 beauty services and how to know which route — DIY or pro —to take for each.

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