Celebrities and social media are a tricky thing. No one really knows whether or not stars like Katy Perry are actually tweeting or if their publicist is. Their Facebook pages don't allow for "friends," but do allow for likes. Social media is merely a method of further promoting their image, and their accounts often feel prescribed. The Knowles sisters, however, besides knowing how to treat designer loans, know how to authentically use the Internet.
Last April, Beyoncé started a blog Tumblr, and almost shut down the Internet — we common folk finally caught a glimpse into the mysterious life of Queen B. Everything from her island getaways with Jay to smoking cigars to spur-of-the-moment photo shoots in Louboutin's and museum visits was documented and uploaded. Solange has been on Tumblr, too, since November of 2011. Between pictures of her son and festival romps with B, there's a genuine sense that she's in full control of her comparably different, more hipster, luxe DIY life just as Beyoncé is of her equally polished existence. Each blog captures the respective Knowles sister's aesthetic. Solange is documenting her Brooklyn world through unabashed sharing of music and disposable camera scans. Bey is showing the breadth of her work, and showing off a little bit because, hey, it's Bey. They're refreshing niches of the Internet that make these superstars a little more relatable, but don't go saying they're just like us because, let's be real here, they aren't really.
Photo: Courtesy of Tumblr / mydamnblog.