In the grand shopping universe of spirituality and witchcraft, it can be really overwhelming to choose the perfect gift for your spell-casting bestie. What do you get someone who seemingly has it all on their altar? But the truth is, witches are always in need of more supplies — from incense and matches to crystal balls to tarot decks. The secret is knowing what sort of witchcraft they practice: Is it mainly with crystals, astrology, plants, or water? Once you know that, the rest is easy — all you have to do is keep scrolling to see which gifts we recommend to each witch type.
Gifts For The Crystal Witch
You can rest assured that no matter how your witch friend identifies, they'll appreciate a good crystal. We'd recommend though, if they already have a thorough collection, choosing something out of the ordinary that they wouldn't normally go for — whether it's a gorgeous rose quartz crystal ball, an intricate-looking pendulum, or a delicate necklace.
Gifts For The Cosmic Witch
The cosmic witch is all about the stars, the moon, the sun, and anything that revolves around our sky — constellations and astrology definitely included. You can never go wrong with gifting them a little something with their sign, but if you want to go the extra mile (which we always recommend you do), then a cosmic-themed tarot deck or a gold vermeil necklace featuring the lunar deity herself Selene will make a huge impact.
Gifts For The Green Witch
The green witch adores everything and anything that has to do with plants, greenery, and herbs. From unique plants to herbal-themed oracle decks, they'll surely appreciate anything you gift them that's greenery-related. Oh, and if you know they love a different type of green, then this adorable floral pipe will surely do the trick.
Gifts For The Water Witch
The water or sea witch is exactly what it sounds like! They're the ones drawn to the sea or any other body of water. When in doubt, you can never go wrong with a specialized altar kit from Etsy or a special mix of herbs and minerals for a clarity-filled bath. Plus, an oracle deck that features their main practice will always be appreciated!
At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. All product details reflect the price and availability at the time of publication. If you buy or click on something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.