Dust, dimes, Tic-Tacs—we are always, always, always getting little bits of this and that stuck in the dark corners of our handbags. Love 'em as we do, we've gotten used to cleaning out these smallest of niches—but no more. As darling as they are smart, the new mini tubular-baby ball bags from Olivia Harris, available in March, the edgy accessories line by GRYSON's Joy Gryon, come with a lot of panache and no corners at all. Available in jet black, bright yellow, and a shade of green that makes us hunger for watermelon, the perfect "night out" bags are round, playful, and won't have you digging out old mints any time soon. We're fond of a few of Gryson's other OH designs as well (the Patch messenger and the oversized hobo make our list, too), but her tubular tote is one ball we'd love to catch.

Available at Steven Alan and Fred Segal in March.