Your Horoscope This Week: October 3, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Welcome to October, a month that most people in the U.S treat as one extended celebration of pumpkins. The Sun is in Libra, Mars is in Libra, Mercury Rx is in Libra and so too is the new moon this week. It’s a house party only a Libra can throw, inviting people who don’t really want to be in the same room and acting like as long as there’s a very nice meal and some nostalgic conversation, things will all work out. 
Well, as Mercury-ruled Lauryn Hill once sang “everything is everything” and things will all work out — but, how they work out is anyone’s guess. Mercury retrogrades aren’t exactly a comfortable time for most people, even if they’re not that big of deal, all things considered. And, with Mercury making a trine to Jupiter on October 3rd, there’s a sense that while the small things might need more maintenance, our big dreams can and should be our guiding light. Maybe it’s true, maybe all we need is dedication. But, dedication might prove to be a challenge when Mars in Libra is combust with the Sun on the New Moon on the 6th while forming an uncomfortable aspect to Uranus. It’s easy to get irritated when you feel like your efforts aren’t amounting to much or when you find your gentle optimism dampened by overly practical naysayers. 
It’s important to remember that what’s practical for you need not be what’s practical for someone else. There are humans out there who do the extra-ordinary every day, there are humans whose lives and family structures were once considered completely unthinkable. Pluto stations direct hours after the new moon, reminding us that the structures we build our lives around were never meant to be permanent. Within each of us is the capacity to renew how we envision our lives — not just the present but the past and future, too. The next day, Venus shifts under the stars of Sagittarius, a relief that moves through us and invites us to laugh a little — especially when crying is no longer the release it's meant to be. It’s the opportunity to get serious about play and be a little more playful about what’s serious.

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