Your July Horoscope, Revealed

We enter July with a sassy new attitude on the first, as action planet Mars enters bold Leo. It’s time to put your best self forward when the action planet tours this charismatic sign. A new Moon arrives on July 2, coinciding with a total solar eclipse in deep-feeling Cancer. You may feel that you’re coming to a crossroads and need to put aside what no longer serves you. Weigh your options carefully as you sit with this energy. Charming Venus, the planet of love and wealth enters domestic Cancer on July 3, encouraging you to create harmony and romance in your home through beautifying your space. Mercury, our communication planet, joins Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto for the ultimate retrograde party on July 7. So many planets are moving in reverse, helping us to become more accountable for our actions and decisions. It’s time to watch what we say, and take a little extra time to make sure that we’re getting our ideas across clearly. Take a breather and avoid big groups on July 9, when the Sun opposes a retrograde Saturn. It’s easy to get frustrated with people and crowds while these two heavenly bodies are at odds. Sometimes, only you can take care of yourself. The Sun trines with a retrograde Neptune on July 10, bringing more clarity to our collective creative projects. It’s an excellent day to get group efforts back on track. Fiery Mars squares unpredictable Uranus on July 11, driving our need to create. If you feel yourself losing control, try to blow off a little steam to temper your reactions to authority. Channel your energy into productive pursuits and remember to be thankful for what you’ve accomplished in your journey. Go easy on yourself on July 14, as the Sun opposes a retrograde Pluto. This transit can stir up a need for transformation — don’t rush it. Refocus your attention on your body to quiet your mind. The Moon waxes full during a partial lunar eclipse in hard-working Capricorn on July 16, changing our view of authority figures and who should hold power. Meditate on how you’d like to take control of your professional image during this movement. Revamp your resume, network in your industry or seek out a mentor to help you find a new focus. Thought ruler Mercury moves in reverse through Cancer on July 19, intensifying our emotions, and dredging up old wounds. Try to stay present while Mercury makes his way through this highly sensitive sign, and let yourself experience the lows to enjoy the high points. It’s okay to be a little down sometimes — check in with friends to find perspective if you feel lost. Venus opposes Pluto on July 21, inspiring us to transform our outward appearance. Use this spicy energy to tussle around in your closet and get inspired with some new outfit combinations. The Sun conjuncts a retrograde Mercury on July 21, helping us communicate more honestly with each other. We begin Leo season on July 22, bringing forth a more playful and adventurous atmosphere. Get in touch with your inner performer while the Sun lights up this charismatic sign. Speedy Mercury conjuncts Venus on July 24, inviting us to open up emotionally. Looking to ignite a spark? Let nostalgia take the lead and invite the person you’d like to smooch to a kissing game while these planets work their magic. A healthy spirit of competition is stirred up on July 25 when action planet Mars trines lucky Jupiter. Explore this energy by getting your friends together for a friendly game or exploring a new team sport. Our dramatic sides are magnified to the extreme on July 27, when sensual Venus makes her way into bold Leo. Mercury moves direct as of July 31, helping us to think and speak with more clarity and ease. Take the lessons learned from this retrograde period with you into July 31’s new Moon in Leo to help ideate your next big venture. Use this new Moon as a mirror to imagine how you’d like to see yourself through someone else’s eyes.

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