Here Are The Shows Everyone's Binge-Watching In 2019

Photo: Courtesy of IMDb.
There comes a time in the life of every millennial that the unthinkable happens: the show you've been binging after work or diligently tuning into every Sunday night comes to an end. From here, your brain can start to unravel. What is there to look forward to? Will anything ever fill this void? Now what do you talk about during the silence at an awkward birthday party?
It's true, a lot of shows are ending in 2019: Game Of Thrones, Broad City, Veep, Jane The Virgin. Don't think about it too hard or you might start hyperventilating. Instead, think about the fact that there are so many more shows out there to start.
Like that show that people keep recommending to you that you keep saying is on "your list" but that you've never gotten around to seeing? It's called Schitt's Creek and it's all on Netflix for you to binge right now before its sixth and final season. Or perhaps it's time for you to head on over to Hulu and finally watch all of season 1 of PEN15 — which, thank Your Middle School Bedroom Poster Of Justin Timberlake, just got renewed for season 2.
All these bingeable shows, whether they have just one season or are on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon in their entirety, range from 2019 newcomers to old classics that are re-taking over the cultural zeitgeist. For every single one of these picks, someone somewhere has probably already told you that you need to watch it. Let's this be a reminder and inspiration for the courageous journey you have ahead.
Binge on, my friends.

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