Let's Be Honest: Cardi B Giving The State Of The Union Is Something We'd All Watch

Photo: Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images.
Cardi B for president? The “Money” rapper may not be running for office anytime soon, but she’s game to give the State Of The Union, responding, “why not” to a recent inquiry.
“I get straight to the point,” Cardi B told her more than 4 million followers on Twitter. Her acceptance came after The Late Show host, Stephen Colbert, launched a Twitter petition to get the rapper to offer a rebuttal to President Donald Trump’s forthcoming SOTU address.
“I am starting a petition for the Democrats to let @iamcardib give the rebuttal to the SOTU. Sign it by retweeting this!” Colbert wrote. The post garnered more than 65 thousand retweets and 100 thousand likes.
Colbert’s plea for political Cardi B came after the latter’s recent commentary about the government shutdown went viral. It was later remixed into a song and caught the attention of Fox pundit Tomi Lahren, whom Cardi warned that she would “dog walk” for coming for her.
Cardi B’s interest in government affairs should not come as a even a minor shock to anyone; she’s a self-proclaimed politics junkie.
"I love political science," the rapper told GQ in 2018. "I love government. I'm obsessed with presidents. I'm obsessed to know how the system works.” Cardi B also revealed that she loves watching the news.
Somehow knowing that her political commentary might go viral one day, she also explained to the magazine that she doesn’t share her thoughts just for retweets and likes.
"I hate when you talk about something that's going on in the community [and] people think, because you're famous, you doing it for clout, but you concerned about it because you are a citizen of America; you are a citizen of the world,” she said.
Still unclear is when exactly the SOTU is happening, as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters that “when the government is open we will discuss a mutually agreeable date,” according to CNN. When it does, though, two things are for certain: Cardi B will be ready, and we’ll be watching.

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