These days, a GIF can say a whole lot about culture. And, coincidentally, so can the number of times that GIF was searched for on Google.
From Cardi B's ubiquitous "Okurrrrr" GIF to the "Tired Neil Patrick Harris" GIF, these Internet staples have come, in many ways, to define moments in time.
Google has just released its 2018 Year In Search, and the results are telling. In a year filled with continued social upheaval, Google analytics paint a slightly more light-hearted picture of today's society. It's interesting to stop and look back at the things that we are using Google to search for. But, when it comes to GIFs, it's hard to say exactly what the results mean.
You can decide for yourself; from Fortnite to Cat Curling, here are the top trending searches related to GIFs in 2018.