After the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones’ seventh season premiered on Sunday, director Alan Taylor confirmed that we were indeed heading toward a Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen hookup. That didn’t really come as a shock after seeing the gaga-eyed looks these two exchanged in "Beyond The Wall." However, Taylor just gave another interview and what he revealed about Jon and Dany in this one is a bit more surprising. Yesterday, the "Beyond The Wall" director told Business Insider that GOT has been teasing the relationship between these two since season 1, a full seven years ago.
Alan Taylor explained that although George R.R. Martin has released his book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, in individual installments — not to mention that only five of the seven have been finished so far — the author seems to have the entire story fully mapped out in his head. And, that has been the case since the show began filming. Taylor saw Martin demonstrate his completed vision of each character's story when the two were working on the first season. The director told Business Insider, "We were in Malta shooting episode ten of the first season, and the show wasn't a big deal yet and we weren't being very secretive because nobody cared yet, and [Martin] just sort of mentioned in passing, 'Oh well it's all about Dany and Jon Snow' and at the time I thought, 'Really? I thought it was about Sean Bean and Robb Stark?' But he knew from the very beginning where he was driving and now we're starting to see that come to fruition. We know that it's circling tighter and tighter on Dany and Jon and their partnership is starting to form, you know, 'fire and ice.'"
During the interview, Taylor was also asked if George R.R. Martin knew specifics about Daenerys and Jon's romance back then since we hadn't seen anything "official" until "Beyond The Wall" this week. He responded, "I think it's become more official but it's been coming for awhile, so much so that it's not only starting to happen but Tyrion sees it coming enough that he's making fun of her for it. He can see what's brewing." Taylor continued, "I can't say much more about what [Martin] said about where we're going with Dany and Jon because that leaps ahead into the next season, but to me the revelation was that, at the time, we had a hundred characters and yet he knew it's about these two." How terribly romantic.