This Is Us has legions of devoted fans. And those fans love coming up with theories. Some of them are totally plausible, like the idea that Jack's (Milo Ventimiglia) drinking problem is directly correlated to his death. Other This Is Us theories, though, are straight up bonkers. And Mandy Moore is here to weigh in on one of the most ridiculous This Is Us theories out there.
As fans of the show know, Rebecca (Moore) is now married to her late husband's best friend, Miguel (Jon Huertas). That's a little hard for some fans — and for Kevin (Justin Hartley) — to handle. So they've theorized the worst possible scenario: Stuck in a slowly failing marriage, Rebecca conspires with Miguel to kill Jack. (Yes, some fans really believe sweet Miguel is a cold-blooded murderer.)
In an E! News interview, reporter Kristin Dos Santos asked Moore what she thought of the possibility that Rebecca "was in on it" and helped kill Jack. (To be fair, she didn't mention Miguel by name, but the implication is there.) "Oh my god," Moore responded. "No way. People are bananas. That is crazy."
We might not be any closer to knowing how Jack actually died, but it's good to know that Miguel and Rebecca aren't guilty of anything sinister. (So can we finally let Miguel off the hook now, everyone?)
Tuesday's season finale probably won't reveal the details about Jack's death, but it'll still wreck us, emotion-wise. When does this show not wreck us? When Dos Santos asked Moore to describe three emotions related to the finale, she responded, "Pain, grief... I think the show is ultimately hopeful, and I feel like it leaves on that note as well, in the finale."
So, there you have it. Pain...but hopeful pain! Check out the interview with E! News below.