Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Ever since go-getter Mars zipped into combustible Aries this past January 28, world events — and personal developments — have been firing off at a frenetic pace. But this week, the planets hit the brakes in a major way. Keep the picket signs and pussy hats handy. There may be cause to hit the streets yet again. Here's why: All week long, fierce warrior Mars syncs up with rebellious Uranus in Aries, turning up the heat on conflicts. But sitting opposite these two planets is diplomatic Jupiter in Libra insisting on cooperation and negotiation. This planetary dust-up could amplify 2017's intense political rifts, with Mars and Uranus repping the Executive branch and Jupiter in Libra courting the Judicial branch and the protestors. Aries energy lives for the fight while Libra is the pacifist. Our advice? Stand up for your beliefs, but stay with 2017's theme of peaceful revolution. Calm, clear, and centered always gets the upper hand.
This Saturday, cue up Lemonade — like, from the very beginning. Love planet Venus flips into retrograde until April 15, stirring up buried feelings. We're not telling you to don the yellow dress or take the Louisville Slugger to a parked car, but issues swept under rugs are bound to come out. Even the best of relationships will hit rough patches. Two people couldn't possibly agree on everything. Instead of trying to a have a conflict-free relationship, become better at resolving disagreements with love and compassion. Exes could come back into the picture over the coming six weeks — for better and for worse. This could be the second chance you've been waiting for, but don't delude yourself. Toxic tigers rarely change their stripes. Venus' backspin begins in fiery Aries, then retreats into forgiveness-oriented Pisces from April 2-15. Over the next four weeks, there could be waves of anger, impatience, and frustration that arise. Feeling these emotions is essential to growth — but don't take them out on other people. Release aggression with a baseball bat to a mattress (nope, still not your ex's car). Feeling the love — and seeing things clearly — will be easier once you do.

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