Looking for a more adult way to approach Halloweekend this year? We've got you covered. If you've outgrown trick-or-treating but are still a candy-loving fiend, why not try some drugstore candy with a little vino? That's right — you can pop open a bottle of sauvignon blanc and pair it with a pack of Pixy Stix. More of a red gal? No problem; merlot and Hershey bars are a delightful combination.
Massive wine catalog and reviewer, Vivino, has made this adulting fantasy a reality with its brilliant "Wine Match Maker" chart. Covering bases from SweeTarts to Swedish Fish, riesling to Lambrusco, there's a combination for anyone's refined-sugar palate.
And you may just be surprised to find that certain unwanted outlier candies (um, candy corn) mixed with a bottle of a certain too-sweet wine (moscato), actually tastes pretty damn fantastic. Don't believe it? Well, we tried it ourselves on Facebook Live and can confirm the flavor magic.
So hang onto those extra tootsie rolls and invest in a bottle of Amarone — this Halloween on the couch is going to be #lit after all.