This Game Of Thrones Character Was Totally Unrecognizable 15 Years Ago

PhotoL J. Vespa/Getty.
Winter already came for Petyr Baelish's hair — 15 years ago. You might recognize actor Aidan Gillen, a.k.a. "Littlefinger," by his signature icy eyes, silver fox hair, and deep creepy voice, but can you imagine him with frosted tips? We couldn't either — until we saw these photos that Hellogiggles dug up of him from a Low Down movie photo shoot back in 2001:
PhotoL J. Vespa/Getty.
We know.
PhotoL J. Vespa/Getty.
PhotoL J. Vespa/Getty.
WE KNOW! Looks like even Petyr Baelish fell victim to the unfortunate trends of the early aughts. While we hope he stays far, far away from Sansa Stark, we wouldn't mind seeing those blonde highlights make a cameo in Season 7. It's just too bad we'll have to wait until next summer. Until then, we guess re-watching episodes and these hilarious photos will have to hold us over.

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