Josh Hutcherson Has A Hunger Games Confession

Photo: REX Shutterstock.
Hunger Games fans were forced to choose sides a long time ago. Gale or Peeta? Hemsworth or Hutcherson? But now Josh Hutcherson is confusing HG viewers everywhere by aligning himself not with the gentle baker's son he portrays, but with Gale. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, he explained, "Honestly, I lean a little more Gale. I can get brooding and aggressive at times. And Gale stands up for what he believes in — I have that in me. But I'm also sensitive, so I have that in common with Peeta." Hutcherson seems more adorable than aggressive, but we’ll take his word for it. Let's hope another interviewer asks the more important Gale vs. Peeta question: When taking a girl on a first date, would they prefer to go to an archery range or bake a pastry?

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