You’ll Never Guess Who’s Behind This Makeup Look

As if you needed any more reasons to stay glued to Instagram, we've got another makeup artist for you to obsess over. His name is Sam V, he's a pro at Kim Kardashian-level contouring, and he's 14 years old. Yep, a teen in L.A. can do makeup better than we can.
While the idea of a male makeup artist isn't the least bit surprising, it's interesting that a guy Sam's age is so heavy into cosmetics. And, it seems like he's been playing with the stuff for a while. A quick scroll through his Instagram shows that Sam knows how to contour, draw on sick cat-eyes, and even hide face tattoos like a boss. These aren't skills you learn overnight — that all takes major practice.
Of course, there are plenty of teens on YouTube who show off their love of makeup, but they tend to be teenage girls. And, despite how forward-thinking our society has become, there are still instances where a 14-year-old boy getting serious with makeup would cause a stir. Just two years ago, Jenna Lyons painted her son's nails, and the Internet went bezerk. But, Sam is proud of his talents and wants to share them with the rest of the world. It may not erase the stigma completely, but it's a serious step in the right direction.
It's inspiring to see young boys and girls figuring out their passions early. So, Sam, keep doing your thing. And, if you've got any contouring tips, send 'em our way.

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