If there's one thing the Internet can definitively teach us about sexuality, it's that desires, kinks, and fetishes are pretty much boundless with imagination. You don't need more than a solid three hours (and an incognito window) on Reddit to become a full believer in Rule 34 — the premise that if it exists, there's porn of it, and it's on the Internet.
Banking on the lust for video renditions of highly specific fantasies (pun intended!), a company called Customs4U is delivering the good stuff according to the delicate whims and dirty specifications of the user. BetaBeat has an interview with the CEO up today, and we have to admit, we're fascinated.
Of course, the idea is far from new: 3-D pornography, hentai, and cam girls are just a few of many iterations that allow the consumer complete (or near-complete) freedom to explore dark corners of the mind in an external medium. Customs4U takes that a step further by offering a complete menu, including models, genres, duration, and quality — plus, a 999-character text box to wax poetic about what, specifically, he or she is looking for. Custom video sites do exist, but, according to CEO Timothy Stokely, before Customs4U launched in the fall of 2014, they "were being brokered privately, mainly through social media," without the same kind of reliability and quality offered by a more traditionally structured company.
Stokely says that models are never pressured to participate in videos they aren't comfortable with because they self-select the categories of video that their services can be solicited for — and they name their own prices. Once the model's rates are established, the company pays that price entirely to the model, and then makes a profit by charging a markup to the customer. Things get even more specific in the site's "Offers" section, where a customer "may request a phone call, an autographed 8×10 photo, or even a meeting in a coffee shop! The customer simply submits his offer and his offer price, and it is up for that model to accept or decline."
Given the success that many cam girls have had, and the fact that it is a profession that has been known to attract women who would normally shy away from traditional pornography, we're all for any company that helps freelance sex workers of this type conduct their business in a well-organized, monitored, protected fashion. Why not? (BetaBeat)