And, you thought your job was suffocating. For Iris van Herpen's fall '14 collection, titled "Biopiracy," the designer's runway centerpiece featured three models — including up-and-coming superstar Soo Joo Park — suspended in what are basically human-sized Ziploc bags. We spot breathing tubes, sure, but even looking at the image above makes us feel like we need to lie down and call our mom.
Van Herpen's show was a commentary on the staggering progress we've made in decoding the human genome and the consequences of scientifically mapping out what exactly it means to be human. With clothes made of synthetic materials in sharp-looking, futuristic effects (basically, what you'd imagine your grandkids covering their Trapper Keepers with), the entire collection was an exercise in the discomfort we feel about technology.
But, huge props to Soo Joo for maintaining such a serene face. (Ours would probably look something like this.) Considering how much panic we already experience every time we try to put our duvet onto our comforter, we can't quite imagine how we'd keep our cool in a situation like this. Click through to HuffPo to see more images. (The Huffington Post)