J.K. Rowling began her famed series by calling Harry Potter "The Boy Who Lived." After surviving a deadly spell cast by the evil He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Harry became a celebrity in the wizard world and continued to gain fame for his bravery, heroism, and superb Quidditch skills. But, was he ever, really, The Boy Who Loved?
Throughout the seven books, Harry falls victim to a few love charms. His crush on Ravenclaw's Cho Chang never fully materialized, and his lust for his best friend's younger sister, Ginny Weasley, was a complicated affair before it even began.
Now, in an interview conducted by Emma Watson for Wonderland magazine, the mastermind behind this imagined world, J.K. Rowling, reveals an editorial decision that could have dramatically changed the fate of HP.
Rowling regrets putting Hermione and Ron together. Rather, Harry and Hermione should have ended up in love. Of course, this would have changed everything. In the finale of the series, Rowling gives us a glimpse into the future of the book's beloved characters. Hermione and Ron marry and have two children, and Harry weds Ginny Weasley. All was as it should be. Or, so it seemed.
The full interview with Rowling and Ms. Watson comes out next month. Until then, Harry Potter fans are sure to be abuzz with predictions and theories on what else the author may reveal about her magical world.
Meanwhile, some of us continue to wait patiently by the mailbox for our letter from Hogwarts.