One of the models we love to watch is Soo Joo Park, the Korean-born breakout star who's made her mark on the fashion world with her infectious style and, let's face it, that platinum blonde mane. But, it appears the days of long blonde hair are no more, as Vogue recently covered the model chopping off her platinum lengths.
Park's haircut, courtesy of legendary hair guru Christiaan, also highlighted how much abuse had been heaped on the model's hair. Between regular bleaching and the heat-styling from constant shoots and shows, Park's hair was extremely damaged, so much so it had started to break off. Park received a brand new, Debbie Harry-esque chop and we may like it even more than the streaming blonde strands she sported previously. It's pretty fierce, y'all.
Clearly, this haircut is only going to catapult her further into the fashion stratosphere, but as a beauty editor, it feels important to warn that you don't have to be a top model to feel the aftereffects of over-processing your hair. Try to pick one process and stick with it, and watch the heat styling. Like any relationship, your hair will only put up with so much from you before it just quits, and not all of us can pull off Park's amazingly-edgy short hair. Be kind: Mind the processing out there, okay, lovelies?
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