What Do Hillary Clinton’s Bangs Mean For America?

hilaryEmbedPhoto: REX USA/MediaPunch Inc.
Ever since the moment Hillary Clinton conceded to then Democratic primary challenger Barack Obama in 2008, the question has lingered: Will she or won't she run for President again?
Well, voters, we have our answer: The former First Lady debuted brand spankin' new bangs at Mayor Bill de Blasio's swearing-in ceremony on January 1st, which can only mean, It. Is. Happening. More so than a televised announcement or official letter, cutting her hair sharply above her eyes broadcasts her electoral intentions loud and clear.
See, just like cultural leaders Michelle Obama, Beyoncé, and Suri Cruise before her, by getting bangs, Clinton is letting the world know she's a smart, stylish, fiercely ambitious woman who takes no guff and suffers no fools. Bangs mean business, folks — Presidential business. Also, they look pretty cute on her. (The Cut)

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