Twitter's CEO, Dick Costolo, used to be a comedian — no joke. He's a regular 'ol trickster and pulled one on Matt Lauer earlier this week when he stopped by The Today Show to reveal "something he's never told anyone else." That something turned out to be that he cries because he doesn't have any secrets. Big. Whoop.
One thing that he did reveal was his want slash need for Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Melissa McCarthy to get on their Twitter game. He said he wants "to work with people who see what's coming next because they use it every day...it's exciting."
Honestly, we have to agree with his white whale of a wish. Just sitting here thinking about Fey's and Poehler's Twitter feed is bringing us so many giggly joys. Perhaps they'd make a joint account — @thedynamicdu_oh, maybe? They're really just teasing us by not being on the site at this point, but what can you do? Maybe they'd join if Costolo would teach the world how to be funny on it — not that they need any tips or anything. But hey, a bribe is a bribe! (Mashable)