Newsflash: Next week is that special time of year when pretty much all we do is eat. Pies, stuffing, turkey with gravy, and several interpretations of potato will all feature in our lives for a solid two days. And, you know that each meal is going to come with a food coma you won't be rushing to shake out of. So, to keep you on track with your exercise while totally playing to the fact that you won't really feel like doing anything, Everyday Health's fitness expert Jennifer Bayliss, has prepared nine exercises perfect for Thanksgiving week.
Bayliss' fitness plan is designed to burn an extra 500 calories each day by mixing cardio workouts with everyday activities (like shopping). The routine starts with Monday's "Clean Away Calories" session, and ends with Saturday's "Rest And Rejuvenate." But, before you freak out about having to meet a certain quota of pushups before burning a certain amount of calories, remember that every body is different, and that your body naturally burns energy just by doing things like walking, sitting, and even typing. We recommend using this calorie tool to get a sense for all the energy your body expends just to keep you alive — it's eye-opening and it might make that slice of pie seem like not such a big deal. We also recommend eating a lot of pumpkin pie before it goes out of season. (Everyday Health)