Can Being A Jerk Really Improve Your Love Life?

Feel like you’re eternally single and can’t quite catch a break? According to Helen Fielding — the mastermind behind the most famous singleton known to womankind – it’s because women are, well, too damn nice. If you want to strike it lucky, you’ve got to be a jerk. Um, really?
As part of her research for Mad About The Boy, Fielding set up fake profiles on various dating websites to see what the online romance scene was like. Pitting nasty against nice, she created an account with the name SuperLuckyB**** and a description that read: “You'd be lucky to get a date with me.” The other was of a woman sporting a sensible knitted jumper, who indulged in cooking and reading. No prizes for guessing who scored the most dates.
Fielding was even gutsy enough to meet with one of her SuperLuckyB**** dates, whom she let down very gently after explaining that their virtual arrangement was all in the name of research. Fielding’s findings are pretty fascinating — especially given that the virtue of niceness is drilled into us from a very early age. But, we’re not entirely convinced getting your claws out is a surefire way to someone’s heart.
Have you ever acted vile in order to get a hot date? Better still, has your sweet disposition proven Fielding’s theory wrong? Share your thoughts in the comments section. (The Evening Standard)
Helen-Fielding-StoryPhoto: Via The Evening Standard.

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