She might be your favorite Friend but, Lisa Kudrow was not always so popular. The Web Therapy actress opened up in an interview with The Saturday Evening Post about the rough time she went through as a teenager. In sixth grade, Kudrow's closest friends dumped her when she changed schools. Harsh. “They said, ‘For your own good, you need to see what would happen if we weren’t here’" Kudrow explained. "It was really brutal. Very hard.”
Things didn't get much better for her in high school. At 16, in an effort to fit in, she got a “life-altering” nose job during summer, so that she could return to school in the fall a completely new person. “I went from, in my mind, hideous, to not hideous,” Kudrow says. Fast forward 34 years, and she still considers the decision “a good, good, good change.” It seems there's not much the Friends star does regret, "I try to be happy for everything that happens, the good and the bad. Otherwise I wouldn’t be right here."
But, what does she make about the ending of Friends nine years later? Does the actress have any regrets about that? “It was a lot of fun,” Kudrow says, “but I think there was the feeling of better to go out on top, like Seinfeld had done.” Asked whether she thinks there’s any chance of a reunion the actress gave the answer we all don’t want to hear: “Not that I know of.” Are you sure about that? (The Saturday Evening Post)